・Erler-Zimmer GmbH & Co.KG(ドイツ)で受注生産のため、納期は4〜6カ月かかります。
Product information "Foot - Deep plantar structures"
This 3D printed specimen provides a view of deep plantar structures of a right foot. Medially, the cut edge of the great saphenous vein is visible within the superficial fascia, just anterior to the cut edges of the medial and lateral plantar arteries and nerves overlying the insertion of the tibialis posterior muscle. The superficial fascias, the plantar aponeurosis, and superficial musculature have been removed to expose the deep (third layer) of musculature.
Detailed anatomical description on request.
●京都科学品番:EZ-226 ●メーカー品番:MP1940
Erler-Zimmer GmbH & Co.KG の模型製品は、