・Erler-Zimmer GmbH & Co.KG(ドイツ)で受注生産のため、納期は4〜6カ月かかります。
Product information "Lower Limb - deep dissection of a left pelvis and thigh"
This 3D printed specimen presents a deep dissection of a left pelvis and thigh to show the course of the femoral artery and sciatic nerve from their proximal origins to the midshaft of the femur. Proximally, the pelvis has been sectioned along the mid-sagittal plane and the pelvic viscera are removed. In the pelvis the coccygeus muscle spans between the sacrum and iliac spine and the obturator artery and nerve entering the obturator canal superior to the obturator membrane.
●京都科学品番:EZ-215 ●メーカー品番:MP1813
Erler-Zimmer GmbH & Co.KG の模型製品は、